My name is Boyuan, and I'm a student in Sacramento, California. I'm really glad to become a teacher in web development at Cloud Classroom. Hope you will join this class, and learn HTML, CSS, JS, and
This course is designed to introduce students who haven’t yet touched programming before. Specifically, this course going to introduce students to create web applications. We will start with the basics, HTML, and CSS, then we will talk about JavaScript to make our site more interactive, then we are going to talk about backend using Python with SQL. Students will also get experience by using cloud technology, such as GitHub and Heroku and frameworks such as Flask, Django, Bootstrap, and Sass. Students will also have the opportunity to create different projects, such as URL Shortener, Live Chatting app, and more.
* Mastery in JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, and C.
* Taught 20-student class (Intro to Web Development).
* Yes
* Yes
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